Thursday, March 31, 2005


Originally uploaded by stevelamps.
Shea and I will be driving over this bridge tomorrow. Where is it and what is it? Here's a hint

Jimmy Lester

That's right folks where going white water rafting. It's that time of year again when I throw on a wetsuit and test mother nature's power. Don't worry dad, I know that, "You just don't mess with mother nature." I've been in serious training the last couple of weeks so I can "hard right" when needed or "all back" when called upon. Strategic catnaps (wes) have been helping me store up the needed energy to make it through the dreadful "Toss Your Cookies." Im not sure if that's a name of a rapid but most likely it will be. Shea and I will be paddling hard for all of you and maybe we will even lift up our paddles and shout "praise the Lord" after every rapid. Just like the good old days.


sarahjane said...

Just remember Wes's white water rafting advice: when you're bored, just let go and fall back into the water. it's cold at first, but at least you won't have poor debbie dealing with your ninth grade antics.

wes gaines said...

Paddle the Cheat or Die!

My favorite shirt of Ben's.

Abigail said...

Don't forget to smile at the opportune time for that "hidden" camera shot they'll try to sell you when it's all done. Wasn't it Debbie who somehow mangaed to find the guy and look straight at the camera with a big smile while the rest of the crew was hanging on for dear life? Have fun guys!

P.S. I swear I saw Shea jogging through Glendora earlier today. Are you sure she's in WV?

Ben and Becky said...

As long as your mom is not on board you will be safe! she likes tumbling over them waterfalls!
Have fun and yes, as wes stated, paddle the cheat or die....