Thursday, March 31, 2005

Bigfoot sighting in the Fort!

Originally uploaded by wes gaines.
I was anticipating a good week, mostly because we were finally going to break the 70 degrees mark in the Fort of Wayne (for the record we did). Little did I know how good the week would really turn out, but I found out today. Yes, BIGFOOT is in town, Oh yeah, we have a BIGFOOT sighting in the Fort and not since those childhood drives through St. Louis has my heart felt such a thrill! Anyways, for those who care to read, here are my interesting finds for the week:

I listened to a radio program where this renowned economist has come up with a plan to end poverty by 2025. He's written a book which I might take a gander at and of course the foreward is written by Bono (who else). He also has a website, take a look> link

Have you ever been annoyed by a T.V. in a restaurant or any public place? There is an invention out that will turn off any T.V. Its called TV B Gone. I never really noticed but its so true, if there is a T.V. on we're automatically drawn to it, Sarah has even caught me watching "the game" through the reflection in the window one time when we were at a restaurant. I think I need a T.V. B Gone
Check it out here

Zimbabwe's elections were today and it looks bad for Mugabe!

A planned gay pride parade in Jerusalem is raising a stir with leaders of all three religious groups in the Holy Land, read more

That's it. Sounds like Jeff and Steph might be hooking up another U-Haul before we know it. I agree with Andrew, the ultimate Heart Cry encore was "Somebody say Amen!" AMEN

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Yeah Wes, I read that article in Time about ending poverty. Jeffrey Sachs is the most renowned economist of all time and he has a plan that could really work. He traveled through South America from country to country reforming different institutions and economies. They guy's got credibility.
Some body say Amen!