Sunday, March 13, 2005

the laramie project

Craziness in Fort Wayne this weekend. The play "the laramie project" which discusses the murder of homosexual Matthew Sheppard is showing at the Lincoln Museum which is in the other half of the library building. The well-known Kansas City pastor Fred Phelps protested around the Fort yesterday and is supposedly returning today with his fellow church members. They hold signs reading "god hates fags", etc. The first time I ever heard of him was on Michael Moore's old HBO television show, and I can honestly say I was furious. I found myself filled with absolute disgust that someone proclaiming to be a believer in Christ would ruin in one minute what true Christians invest (and love) in people for years! Anyway, someone in Fort Wayne wrote a letter to the editor responding to Phelps's behavior that I thought was worth reading. It's just the first response listed. (Click here).

1 comment:

Bill said...

Last Sunday evening I went to the Genesis Church (Young Adult Church in Royak Oak, I fit right in). I went because the topic was homosexuality in the church. It started with a video that showed a church protesting homesexuality. It used many of the same words Sara indicated. The message I received from Gods' Word is that God does not hate homosexuals. God's heart beats strong for all people. But having sex outside of marriage is not God's best.
Steve Norman, Pastor at Genesis said that sex was to be in marriage and that the Word indicates mariage is between a man and a woman. However, we need to love the homosexual just like we love the adulterer, the drug user, so on and so forth). The church should be a safe place for the homosexual. It is through loving them and accepting them that we can earn the right to share what the scriptures say. All sin separates us from God. The church should not separate itself and single out gay people as a people God hates. He does not hate gays. He loves them and wants to have the fullest fellowship with them. I believe it is by our loving all people that we can begin to show people how to receive God's best for their lives. We also must be sure that there is not a log in our eye. One man's opinion only.