Sunday, May 01, 2005

I'm blessed for my family

I had the opportunity to spend a few hours with my family at Jeff's b-day party last Friday. As I watched my sons and their wives (Caleb too) I realized that God has answered my prayers. I have two son who love the Lord with all their hearts and souls. I also have two beautiful daughter-in-laws that love the Lord with their all their hearts and souls. Together with their most special friends, I stood back and watched God working in so many lives. Mary and Ben, Brad and Meg, Jamie and Ben, Wes amd Sarah, Bill and Lena. Thank you for being a part of my family. I pray that I can continue to grow in the Lord and become the father,husband, friend, and grandfather, God wants me to be. Pray for me.
To Ben and Becky and Jacob and Abigail, and Andrew, Debbie and I will be in California June 16-23. We want to get together and take all of you out to lunch or breakfast. We will set a time and place as the date draws closer.
Everyone have a great week. Norm


Abigail said...

Wish we could've been at Jeffrey's big b-day bash with ya'll. We'll keep our schedules clear that week to make sure we get to see you. Looking forward to it!

Bill said...

Norm, "ditto"

Ben and Becky said...

Can't Wait! We'll see you out here!