Monday, May 30, 2005

The B-day Weekend Comes to an End

Warner Brothers Studio
Originally uploaded by jacobgaines.
Alas, Abigail's weekend of birthday bliss came to an end today with one final present...a V.I.P Tour of the Warner Brothers Studios in Burbank. Abs, Stu & Jan, Karen, B& B and I got an early start just north of Hollywood and got quite an experience on a most fascinating tour. We were greeted right away in the parking lot by what had to be the most cordial, gentle, and caring parking attendant the world has ever seen. "Just stay on the cross walk right through Bugs and Daffy and you'll be well on your way!!!" Our tour guided Dean took good care of us navigating us for over 2 hours through many currents sets including ER, The West Wing, Joey, and Friends. But, what Abigail had really come to see was our jaunt through Stars Hollow, the ficitional small town setting for Gilmore Girls. Part of the tour also took us through this immense warehouse where they build all the sets. We got a sneak peak at some of the stuff being built for the upcoming Pirates of the Carribean 2.
Fun was had by all and we have been reflecting throughout the day at just what power is wielded on the relatively small piece of land. The power to create virtual reality out of cardboard and plastic. The power to create fictional worlds that are so close and yet so untouchable. The power to shape ideas, cultural trends, fashion, politics, and even morality to an extent. Larger than life in many ways but just a few short miles down the 210 from our reality. Pretty fascinating. Miss the rest of the crew. Blessings to all this short work week!

1 comment:

sarahjane said...

so, how was the gilmore girls set?