Thursday, April 14, 2005


Originally uploaded by wes gaines.
and Wes's job gets a little weirder! for those of you who have ever wondered what the heck I do, here's a little something. I am now a certified and licensed asbestos building inspector, basically meaning that when I'm in a building I can tell you which building materials would probably contain asbestos and then I'll tell you what to do about it. But make no mistake, I think the look on my face will tell you that this inspector means buisness!


lena jo said...

Your degree in Biblical Literature is the degree that just keeps on giving-
from a -z Asbestos to ??
"Who ya gonna call?" WESBESTOS

Abigail said...

Perhaps your job remains as ambiguos as dad'd did for most of my childhood years. Heck, I'm still a little fuzzy. Did he really carry a bucket of plastic into those calls? And why did he call them calls when he wasn't really calling he was going in person.

Does being an inspector carry the privilege of wielding a big stamp that reads, "DENIED" for those noncompliants? I guess if nothing else, you'll always have the title as "Gaines Family's First Inspector"! No slack.

sarahjane said...

Lena, i'll have to give you credit for that wesbestos. i'm married to wes and sometimes i wonder what he does all day (maybe it's a cover up for a drug operation).

lena jo said...

Sarah, maybe he's CIA?

Bill said...

Or the covenant.

c-unitsdaddy said...


Yes, Caleb.

What does tio Wes do besides rock out?

Son, some things in life should remain misterious...You know..kind of like Batman?

But, dad...he smells like gas, his eyes are red, and he has a wicked hump on his back.

Son, that's the price he pays to give us a fresh, chemical-free place to be! That's the price tio pays.....I mean ....WESBESTOS!

Daddy, he's my hero.

j/'re foto is sexy