Sunday, November 12, 2006


I wanted to share a couple articles I read this week that are helpful in "discerning the times". The election results and Rumsfeld resigning were such big news stories this week and I think these articles make it clear that they were a big step forward. Not so much that the Dems are taking over but more that Bush and congressional Republicans were called into account for uncontrolled abuses of power. I like the way Jon Stewart put it, "the Democrats won by playing the role of the one brother who quietly sneaks out of the room while the other is being punished for burning the garage down." I think the statement made in the elections wasn't so much Democrats over Republicans but honest, reasonable politicians who are accountable to the people and govern for the "common good" of all as opposed to the opposite. Anyways the first article is by N.T. Wright (who else) asking, "Where is God in the War on Terror?" Here's a sample:
"Where then is God in the War on Terror? Grieving and groaning within the pain and horror of his battered but still beautiful world. Stirring in the hearts of human beings the desire for a more credible structure of global justice and mercy. Burning into the imagination of human beings a hope that peace and reconciliation might eventually win out over suspicion and hatred, that the world may be put to rights and that we may anticipate that in the present time. My friends, we in our generation and especially those of you in your teens and twenties face a new world, full of possibilities for great good and great ill. I have argued this evening that the Christian gospel, revealing the mysterious God we discover in Jesus and the Spirit, offers a robust and rigorous framework for discerning where God is at work in the midst of the dangers and opportunities that confront us. All of us in our different callings are summoned to this task; some of you, perhaps, to make it your lifes work. Jesus is Lord. The Spirit is powerful. God is doing a new thing. Lets get out there and join in."

The other is by conservative commentator George Will written two years ago (after Abu Grhaib) on why Rumsfeld has to resign.

N.T Wright article
George Will article

Alright I'm done poli-blogging. Let me know what you think.


Andrew said...

got it. printed it in dad's office. probably gonna read it on the train to amsterdam

lena jo said...

Ditto-except for the part about reading it on the train to Amsterdam