Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Gaines-Lampi Reunion in '07?

As we were celebrating Thanksgiving up at the cabin in Lake Tahoe, I was struck again by the beauty and majesty of being in what is truly one of the most spectacular places I've ever seen. I felt so fortunate to be with Abigail's family and to have this cabin nestled amongst towering pines, up against Mt. Tallac, with this gorgeous lake just a stone's throw away. Talking with Jeff (via phone) out on the deck we spoke again about a dream of getting the whole Gaines-Lampi clan together for some kind of extended weekend to just do what we do best, hang out and enjoy divine moments of true fellowship.

So here's what I propose we at least kick around and want your input as to if this dream could ever be reality... a long summer weekend (Thurs-Sun or Fri-Mon) next August up at the cabin in Lake Tahoe for as many as can make it. We're talking a sun soaked day on the beach watching Jeff turn bronze while all the Gaines' burn, a hike to 7,000ft to visit BAB's (Bernie A. Blair's) pine and watch Steve skip a stone 25 times across Floating Island Lake, a round of golf where you get an extra 50 yrd on each drive (which means Benny's' hitting it 325yds), etc. etc. Now I realize this would require quite a commitment from the MW crew, but I say we get creative on how we get everybody into Cali for the weekend (ante up Mr. Platinum!) Seriously, I'd be wiling to split the cost of some tixs to make it happen (no pressure B & B, and Drew). The lodging would be totally free and we'd just split the cost for food, This would also require that we all free up the time next August, which is why I'm pitching this in November. If we all just put a date down, and worked towards it, who knows?

Wouldn't it be awesome that as the families grow, we started a tradition of being intential about making an investment like this each year. Even though we are separated by many miles, I want Gracie to feel like Caleb and Eden and Little Gaines-to-be, and Littlle Lampi-to-be, and all the others still to come are close cousins and to look forward to something like this on a regular basis.

So, what do you all think? Give me your input? What would it take to make it happen? Here are the weekend's next August, which would be best? (9th-12th, 16th-19th). I ruled out the first and last weekend of August b/c the first weekend is traditionally the end of Summer Splash and the last would be the beginning of school.


c-unitsdaddy said...

You had me at "hello." Seriously, if anybody rejects this invite they're crazy. jk

Anyway, like cub said, the L-G connexion is HUGE and this could be something our kids and their kids and thier kids could carry on.

I would even be willing to forgo Spring Break 07 trip to Cali for a little Tahoe luv in August if $ ain't happening.

Bill...any free miles you can soit our way?

My last words concerning this possibilty....

"Why not?"

c-unitsdaddy said...

I meant "spit" our way...
not "soit"

Andrew said...

i'm there for sure. as long as mom isn't driving.

lena jo said...

C'mon..... I wasn't THAT close to the edge of that cliff!!
I like your idea Jacob... I like it alot!

sarahjane said...

i'm sure you can count us in!

Bill said...

Common Ange, you know your mother always lives on the edge. That is why a car has 4 wheels, in case the other 2 are over the edge. Not many people can do that.

We're in.