I must say I got chills when I heard that on the eve of the biggest rivalry game in 103 years, we lost a UM legend. Emotions must be running high today because I got to show off Gracie at chapel and the kids went wild, which made me a little emotional and then I found out the news of Bo's passing. I went to share the news with a fellow teacher who grew up in MI and is a Wolverine fanatic and felt a lump in my throat as I passed on the news. We shared a moment of reflection and then agreed that tomorrow's game has now been taken to an even higher level (cue Creed's "Can You Take Me Higher"...press play now).
So tomorrow, let's win one for Bo, and for all the bets I have with my students that I would love to collect on.
In honor of Bo, please click here and spend a minute reminiscing and getting psyched for THE GAME.
Predicitions please...
Bo meant so much to the gaines fam that we named our dog after him. Bo was the first biography I ever read (before moving on to Singletary on Singletary, then Fab Five). Such sad news that he passed the day before the bigggest game ever. I'll be watching whilst at my little sister's (in law) birthday party..."Wes come on we're opening presents!" No way. U of M 31 OSU 24. Bring on USC!!!!!!!
wish i could find a place to watch the game in amsterdam. let's win this one for Bo Bo!
I have a colleague at school whose passion for the BLUE rivals that of Mark Carrow. He has spoken to both Bo and his wife (now both have passed) and we were able to share some moments yesterday, despite our obvious differences. I respect BO, in a sort of Woody Hayes way.
He has 6 tickets to the Horseshoe today and is already 6 deep this morning probably, but as we spoke yesterday he wasn't sure how they would respond...meaning the OSU fans towards the UM minority. His words..."Who knows, may be they'll have some condolence....no whatever....I'll be lucky if I come back alive."
With that said I loathe UM (you can't understand it unless you live and learn at the other university---don't try to figure it out, or pretend you know me --Jerry Springer reference)...but I said this on e-mail to Wes...UM is gonna win...Bo gets upperhand.
(the views expressed in this commentary do not reflect any liking for the school an hour southeast of East LAnsing, just a predicition and a heavy heart for the family and those touched by the UM icon, BO) (11-1) early predict in September,...ask Wes
Have fun Gaines' today and Steve Lampi...I have been there (2000)...enjoy it,
I can only envision Bo G. welcoming Bo S. into heaven (not sure the theology is correct - however, let me dream) and the both of them watching the big game with Bo G. sitting on Bo S. lap.
Any final words for John L. - from the MSU gang.
keep the deam alive dad
I cannot not confirm nor deny this, but a local radio guy here was talking about Bo's passing and relayed a story from the day before Bo died when he was addressing the team and said that he only wished he could be standing by Woody side to witness this classic.
Still #2 in the BCS. Not for long if USC takes out ND next weekend. Alas, we'll be smelling roses come New Year's Day!
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