What a day! Ahhhh the smells of organic meditterranean foods, the frolic and laughter of hundreds of toddlers (so it seemed)-and the scared faces of those toddlers upon laying eyes on "Keith Green's Twin bro (aka Wes), the memorable moments and comments made by fallen beings, and Wes and Sara, our guests of honor, along with their BABY-TO-BE! What a great day! Special thanks to my Rachel Ray wife, Shea, my mom aND Lena! WE ARE SO EXCITED TO MEET HE/SHE (my guess is "she" 3 for 3 record recently in guessing...no pride).
Oh yeah...a party like this couldn't come w/out some great words...
Wes: "Thanks for the nipples" (aka bottle paraphanalia)
Randy talking to me about Jonathan's (his son) hormones (while he is right there standing next to us)
Bill: (ask Lena)
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