today is such a nice spring day here in the fort.
the sun is shining bright.
it's seventy degrees outside.
wes even got a good headstart on his farmer's tan when we sat out back for lunch in our ugly 1970's lawn furniture. i'm sure our neighbors love having to look at it all summer (the furniture, not the tan).
i got a quick chance to snap the pups in action--june's listening to the neighbor on the other side of the fence to see if he'll say anything to her, and petey's trying to see if he can eat, lick, or take advantage of the shiny silver camera in my hand. what can we say, he's got a thing for bling.
my goal for the summer, is not to aquire the ole "golden arms" like I do every year. This might require bathing in sun-block everyday.
I love those Doggies! Caleb misses them so much. SPing Break trip to the Fort???
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