Best New Albums:
- Sufjan Stevens - Illinois
- Sigur Ros - Tak
- Coldplay - X&Y
- Ryan Adams - Jacksonville Nights
- Silver Jews - Tanglewood Numbers
- Broken Flowers
- No Direction Home (Bob Dylan Documentary)
(all in good fun)
Andrew: Motorcycle Diaries
Norm: Kung Fu Hustle
Jeff: Coach Carter
Jacob: Middle Earth or Narnia (toss up)
Dad and I quite enjoyed 1776 by David McCullough
also read Maus by Art Spiegelman (should be required reading in history class)
Best Photos found at gramies

Inlet of Transistion by Jack Frost
That's all I can think of for now... what's on your list - wg
those pictures are awesome!
A couple of things. I would have switched My Morning Jacket with Coldplay for being the most overrated band. Coldplay is not that great in my opinion. They sound like a mediocore rip off of about 10 different bands. And Wordless Chorus by MMJ is amazing! Check it:
And Debbie isn't the only one that likes Hitch.
Right on with the Jefe/Coach Carter suggestion.
I like Coldplay b/c they purposefully write for a wider audience and do it well. In the age of one album wonders they have put out three pretty good albums and have brought decent music to the world's stage that was being overtaken by Brittany Spears and NSYNC. Every band/musician would be quick to state their influences and how their music has been shaped by them and Coldplay is no different. I think the hipster aversion to Coldplay has more to do with the fact that deep down hipsters want to keep their music to themselves and to have "Secret Bands" that the rest of the world doesn't "get". I don't buy it! In Love,
Wes (Coldplay Defender)
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