Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Another Wes Rant--

Here we go...
  • Blogger just added a new way to post pictures easily, just click the add image icon to post a pic. Here's a WG original from the heartland.
  • Apple just released a new version of ITunes that includes podcasting. All you road trippers gotta check it out!! Download here
+ What is podcasting??? Answer

+ Coldplay's new album X&Y is excellent. The songs on X&Y
deal with the pain of loss (Fix You), disappointment (What If),
dedicated love (A Message), and perseverance and hope
(KingdomCome). In stores now...

+ Did anybody read "Tender is the Night" but me???? Sarah
confessed that when I read it out loud it would put her to
sleep. Anyways I'm still plugging through it and have enjoyed it Fitzgerald has become my favorite classic writer.
"And everything all at once seemed gorgeous " from p.92

+ I thought I'd go out on a limb and pick July's Book of the Month,
being that it is my birthday month...jk lol>> But for anyone interested...
This month's pick is
1776 by David McCullough. It is a narrative history that recounts what happened in the year of our country's birth. Watch out Norm!
Read a review here

That's all-- wes (Gina your comments are always welcome on this blog)

1 comment:

Bill said...

Just finished Grisham's book "A Time To Kill".
I'm in with "1776"