A couple decapitated sunflowers from our yard.
Sarah is hard at work with classes and work. She was chosen to represent her department at the library to assist with logistics issues with the new building project. She was the logical choice.
Check out our new digs here.
Myself...busy chatting with Joel at work and doing some good for the environment. The worship album is on its way. A South African fellow from the band Tree 63 is coming down this weekend to record drums. After that it should start going quickly. Sarah and I are going to be shmoozing with my boss and his wife (Dave Lemkuel has come full circle to me) in France or wherever there are seats to fly in a couple weekends. Should be swell. I got the new Sigur Ros Album today, it blew me away! Download this TRACK for a foretaste of glory divine.
Here are my requests for the blog if you are up for it:
Ben&Becky - Pictures of the new casa, an update on Kenny
Jake and Ab - A snapshot of an abigail original, a Jake Top Ten
Andrew - Some snaps of you at work...a book recommendation
Jeff&Steph - A piece of writing, the latest family photo
Steve&Shae - A glimpse into the new album (use yousendit.com)
Mom&Dad - Proof that Dad is still hitting the trails, and mom is still sinking par putts
Norm&Deb - A movie review from Debbie, a histroy lesson based on 1776 from Norm
Joel - A picture of Lindsey Winchester
That's All. wgsg
Great to talk to you last night! Wow, you guys got a lot going on. I am working on a Kenny review, and will have the house pics up hopefully today.
I loved your play on words as unintentional as it may have been: "Sarah was chosen to represent her department at the library to assist with logistic issues. She was the logical choice."
Anyway, we would need a tutorial on posting photos on the blog - AGAIN.
Sorry Ben, that one lesson was a little too quick? I wanted to play golf with Dad Sunday evening, but his ribs are still too sore from going over the handlebars.
all right, we'll just wait to see the big unveiling
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