Friday, July 08, 2005

A new job

I was offered a position at American Apparel as the Director of Transportation today. I got called in for my second interview this morning. I was interviewing with a man named Roain, the Director of the office of Public Relations. This interview was more casual; we walked around the factory and talked, and eventually went up to the roof, where Roain talked to me honestly about the company I'd be working for me and my position, and then he offered me the job.
I accepted of course, and I start tomorrow (Saturday!).

This job looks very challenging but ultimately rewarding. I have a lot of responsibility, of which I'll be learning more about this week. But I'm very excited about this position and I'll tell you all more when I have more info.
Check out the company:
This is an amazing company, an Industrial Revolution, to be serious. They manufacture much more than clothing, they manufacture new ideas and ways of cinducting business.
I'm proud to work for this company.

1 comment:

Bill said...

Andrew, we had dinner Saturday night in AA and walked down Liberty. The new AA American Apparl store is near the State theatre. Perfect location from UM. Again, mom and I are very proud of you. This look like a job made for you. In the window of the AA store they had a picture of your facility in LA. Keep us posted.