So daddy did a small gig at the church coffe shop and nobody cared because guess who was there. Mr. attention getter. It's all good, the music was average at best. Greyson showed off some of his sweet dance moves to everyone's enjoyment. He's got mad skills with the twirl and whirls. Hope all is well.
Qoute of the day: "It was a simple jack-knife!"
-Andrew Gaines: before getting Ben, Jacob, and Steve kicked out of the pool in Azusa. A memory that will never leave.
That's hilarious. It's the footie pajamas, Steve. You can never outdo a kid with footed pj's.
Stevo, rumor has it that Grey can juggle the soccer ball 5 times now. Truth or an urban myth.
Looks like he's got good moves!
Thanks for bringing up a Gaines-Lampi memory I'd shelved for the past few years. I'll never forget the look on Pat, that apt manager's face as she gave the four of us the big umpire thumb outta here after Andrew's rather intense jackknife. One of the more embarassing moments of my life as I saunter into her office with my tail between my legs and explain why the 3 boys from MI got a little excited about being around water. She said no hard feeling but you guys were officially banned!!!
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