Well there seems to be quite a ground swell of support for this crazy Gaines-Lampi Tahoe endeavor later this year. I don't doubt that this could be an epic event with stories to just add to the lore. We did some checking and we have reserved the cabin for the week of August 6th-12th. We are also hoping to be able to secure the cabin next door as well if the owners aren't using it, which would give us more than enough room for all couples and kids. We'll have to talk and coordinate exactly what days everyone is able to come that week, but we went ahead and just reserved it for the whole week. Below you can see some more pixs of the last Gaines-Lampi adventure at Lake Tahoe. However, that week we only had Steve as the Lampi rep, Wes was being held shackled by United and Caleb, Eden, Gracie, Greyson, and Cash were but thoughts in the sovereign mind of God. I don't even think we knew Shea, Sara, or Becky at that time either. Well, I hope everyone's still on board, and please let everyone know if you find good airfares for the MW folk. The closest airport is Reno,NV unless you want to fly into SoCal and caravan with the SoCal gang. Let's me know if you're in for sure and we'll rally to get everyone there!

We're in!!
Steve, Shea & Grey are in too! I'll start looking for tickets now. Lake Tahoe here we come.
We'll be there!
Ahhhhhhhhh, yeah, beach, sun surf ski early august sun tanning, Jakes tours, Norm in Speedo, etc etc..
count us 4 tambien. Wes, how was last night's thrilla? WOW
wes is still on a high from the game, and i think there's still steam coming off his new colts jacket as it sits on our coat rack (jacket courtesty of one of my dad's clients). i say, count us in. we're going to be looking around for tickets. woo-hoo!
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