WOW....last night tops the cake for another shocking year of comebacks/"I wish i picked 'em" moments. Stephanie was the only one who legitamately picked Florida (I picked all of Shea's for her). Eventhough she was last place, she finished with the shocker! Way to go girl!
Here are the results
Here are the results
1. Jeff "the book" Lampi : 22-10
2. Stormin' "I hate UM" Lampi: 21-11
3. Sarah Jane "picks are insane, shows the boyz she gots game" Gaines (20-12)
4. Bronco Bill "My daughter-in-law owned me" Gaines (19-13)
4. Doc "i bet the spread" Georgiou (19-3)
5. Wes "UM is the lock" Gaines (18-14)
5. Steve "seven games in a row" Lampi (18-14) Started out a winner though
5. Jake "too many brownie frapps" Gaines (18-14)
6. Shea "killer FSU pick" Lampi (15-17)
7. Stephanie "I don't care...you've got issues Jeff" Lampi (14-18)
So here' the deal: Since I humbly won the 20 spot, I'm not going to accept it..........now
I'm going to roll over the dinero into the POT for the NCAA GAines-Lampi March Madness. Ok?
SO the stakes are higher, the wages phatter, and hopefully the participation greater. It's on like Caleb on Thomas, Cash on vinyl (records), Gracie on baby bjorn and kiddie frapps in a year or so, Greyson on martin marquis and fifa futbol, and Eden on anything edible (playin).
Out, and great comradery and Spirits!
2. Stormin' "I hate UM" Lampi: 21-11
3. Sarah Jane "picks are insane, shows the boyz she gots game" Gaines (20-12)
4. Bronco Bill "My daughter-in-law owned me" Gaines (19-13)
4. Doc "i bet the spread" Georgiou (19-3)
5. Wes "UM is the lock" Gaines (18-14)
5. Steve "seven games in a row" Lampi (18-14) Started out a winner though
5. Jake "too many brownie frapps" Gaines (18-14)
6. Shea "killer FSU pick" Lampi (15-17)
7. Stephanie "I don't care...you've got issues Jeff" Lampi (14-18)
So here' the deal: Since I humbly won the 20 spot, I'm not going to accept it..........now
I'm going to roll over the dinero into the POT for the NCAA GAines-Lampi March Madness. Ok?
SO the stakes are higher, the wages phatter, and hopefully the participation greater. It's on like Caleb on Thomas, Cash on vinyl (records), Gracie on baby bjorn and kiddie frapps in a year or so, Greyson on martin marquis and fifa futbol, and Eden on anything edible (playin).
Out, and great comradery and Spirits!
( yeah c-unit got that JEEP for xmas FROM his Yia Yia.................we took it back)
BY THE WAY (kind like we did for football) WHAT's YOUR PREDICTION FOR NCAA CHAMPION (bball) and SLEEPER or "George Mason") Leave it in comments
Mine :
Champion: UCLA
Sleeper: Nevada
Florida can't be beat in anything right now. they're my pick for b-ball. My sleep is from the Hoosier State, Butler is a fun team to watch, full of scrappers and three-point bombers, they are an elite 8 lock for me. Looks like Caleb could've really burned some rubber in that Jeep, awesome. I gotta say much to the dismay of the Big 10 it was pretty fun watching the Buckeye's go down in flames, mostly b/c I was picturing all the cocky Buckeye fans in agony. I know its awful. Go Blue 2008 BCS Champs.
I'm gonna go with Wisconsin winning it all (if I had to call it now), and my sleeper pick will be Air Force. Could be the feel good story of the Tourney. I must also say it was fun watching OSU get absolutely pounded, though it may have spoken volumes about the stregth and speed (or severe lack thereof) of the Big 10. In other news, I was a man of my word and donned Trojans cardinal and gold on my first day back at school on Monday. The kids were actually somewhat sympathetic. Can't wait for March Madness! Go Blue (Duke that is...)
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