This morning as Harley and I stepped onto the front porch for our 6:45am walk before school, we were met by the above picture of divine radiance. I stood amazed, so much so that I left Harley on the sidewalk and grabbed my Canon to capture the moment. We walked and I pondered the beauty of God and felt honored that I met this beauty again this morning. Within minutes, it was over. The sun rose and the clouds faded into a glorious winter day (if you can call high 60s winter), and I thought of how God is often seen in quick snapshots. Sudden unexpected moments where his glory collides with our humanity and we are left somewhat paralyzed. I got the same feeling after the walk when I went back inside and spent a few seconds watching my Gracie Glory sleep next to her mom. And somehow these two snapshots are interconnected.
This morning as Harley and I stepped onto the front porch for our 6:45am walk before school, we were met by the above picture of neighborly pranks and chaos. I stood and marvled at the how thorough a TP job was done on our "interesting"' neighbors. Last night as I went out to pull the car around back one of the boys yelled out at me from the darkness, "DID YOU CATCH A GLIMPSE OF THE FELLAS THAT DID THIS?" He and the other boys were getting a good laugh and plotting how they'll get them back. I almost said, "I want in!" So, now we only wonder how long the TP will stay in the trees. If it's still there next week I'll post an updated picture.