Ok, so i told Wes I would Blog these pics, so here they are. It was a FAB nite, yes, we didn't win, but the comradery and koinonia (Greek sp way off help) . Missed my boy Wes, as well as the rest. Favorite moments:
- At Olympia and Ben Brus wips out his video camera and asks to tape this Soprano man next to us about his thoughts on the the Tigs run (Ben always making a documentary) , as his compadre leans in to me and says, "Your buddy better not tape him if he wants to leave here with two legs."
- The car guys asking me to "leave my keys in the car when I park it." Ah yeah right....
- I hear that "door locking sound" from the back seat right when we get off on Lafayette Blvd Greektown exit
- All of us turn to each other before Pujols bats and say "he better walk him, first base is open".....and well, you know what happened next.
- Ben Newman spilling my $8 spirits all over Wes' organic sweater (brought a piece of you, Wesser withn me) I was wearing and my CHucks ...ah yeah...he bought me another
- Hearing "one verse" of America the Beau from D-townz own (and accord. to Mary Carrow - Mark's parnter in crime at Ann Arbor Pioneer)
- Hearing the racial profiled music playing at every bat (Polanco - Merengue and Salsa, Monroe 50 Cent etc)
-and the last 9th inning hopes after Monroe's Homer and Ben NEwman and Bradley yelling, "WE CAN DO THIS STILL"....ok so was I.
I thought that was my sweater.
and it's not organic, it's cashmere. (very posh of you, wes).
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