We just got back late last night from a whirlwind los angeles trip. There were a lot of firsts in these two days: our first time meeting our sweet

little niece gracie, our first time meeting "tough-as-nails" brenda, our first time seeing jake and ab's spacious new house addition, and our first time eating more donuts in two days than we have in the last six months. Mmmm....that donut man, i tell ya. How could I forget that this weekend was also our first introduction to the wonders of sitting on a birthing/yoga ball (which Uncle Wes is utilizing in the photo above). All in all it was a lovely (though quick) trip, and we can't wait to see everyone again soon (once we have our own little bambino)!
It was great to have you guys out this weekend. Short but sweet. We look forward to getting cuz's together the next time we see you. And nice J.R.R. Tolkien reference on the title. Did you intend that or am I just a hopeless LOTR freak?
no, you're just hopeless, jake. or should i say gollum?
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