Revenge or Judgement?? The Country Inn Suites where you all stayed during our wedding, caught on fire today. We hear that the owner when asked if he knew of anyone who might have a motive, replied, "yes...I do remember a group that was exceptionally rude and boisterous two years ago. They even used our breakfast room without renting it. What's more, one Lena Jo Gaines wrote a particulary scathing letter to us. They are capable of doing this!!" Watch out mom!
The Masters is on and the question is can I make it through Sunday without getting watery eyed. Well that all depends on who's putting on that green jacket, if Fred Couples pulls it off I'd say chances are medium to high! What I do know, is that I wont be placing bets with David J., lesson learned. Who are you pulling for? Dad, could you stand to see "lefty" pull another one off?? Here is a funny article on guys crying during sports (article)
This week Fredrick Buechner was interviewed on the radio. Buechner is a minister/writer and his books are incredible. He writes a lot about preaching and his latest book is a collection of his sermons. In the interview he talks about the desperate need for pastors to "tell the truth" from the pulpit, that is be real, authentic and speak to people's real needs. One of the callers asked what advice he'd give to someone who wants to preach and he responded, "speak with your own voice"...awesome (listen) If you're interested in Buechner's writing, start with "Telling the Truth: The Gospel as Tragedy, Comedy, Fairy Tale "
Here is one more track from the album (download)
Freddy is my man.
Wes, I can't wait until the new C.D. is out. Burning my own is getting expensive. I love all three songs so far.
I'm pulling for the "rich kid born with the silver spoon in his mouth".
Thanks for stretching my comfort zone with new reads- I'm going to put Fred on my list of books to read.
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