I believe it was Rich Mullins who penned those words as he hammered away on his dulcimer singing about the color green. Wes told us a week or so ago to blog some pics of springtime so I thought I'd throw a few pictures on the blog from a recent hike with Abigial, Harley, and friends in the San Gabe's. With a little winter rain and heavy snow at higher elevations we are in our green time of year. This is one of my favorite new mountain biking and hiking spots. The trail runs 8 miles along this rushing river complete with fly fisherman catching rainbow trout along the banks. With all the snow melting now, there must be 9-10 waterfalls coming off the cliffs as you meander through this canyon up to a big lake with an amazing view of a snow-capped Mt. Baldy. It's a must see the next time you Midwesterners head west.
Ok, that just did me in. And I think it calls for a "Shut up, Tate." So what, man. We have the Red Cedar river runnin' through EL. Oh yeah, and every waterborne illness in the world if you come within 10 feet from its shores. Jealous. Any graffitti mixed in with the woods and waterfalls? Love that Pasadena hike. Memories.
harley looks huge!
Ok, that just did me in. And I think it calls for a "Shut up, Tate." So what, man. We have the Red Cedar river runnin' through EL. Oh yeah, and every waterborne illness in the world if you come within 10 feet from its shores. Jealous. Any graffitti mixed in with the woods and waterfalls? Love that Pasadena hike. Memories.
"beauty that made this heart adore you"
nice pics jake!! we'll be there in a couple weeks.
Hey mom how bout posting a picture of the ole' weeping cherry tree for erveryone? How's it doing this year?
Remember that lesson you gave me & Dad on posting pictures?
Hmmmmmm???????? Let me see, now what was it I did first???
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