I've been thinking a lot lately, of what relevance the death and resurrection of Jesus has to us today, and what it means to me personally. Its Palm Sunday, and at church today our pastor Ron gave one of the best "sermons" I have heard lately. He challenged us to be on the Hosanna side of things in life. This really hit home with me. What he meant was, don't let the world which seems to be vortexing into chaos overcome you because God has overcome the world (John 16:33). He explained how the crowd that was rejoicing as Jesus came into the city quickly became the mob that shouted crucify him. What Palm Sunday really signifies is that "God's ways are not our own" His ways are higher than ours. Many expected Jesus to come and overthrow the occupying Roman Empire, but 5 days later Jesus ends up crucified on the cross. I cannot imagine the kind of despair at that moment that Jesus' followers must have felt, all of their hopes and expectations were seemingly crushed upon Jesus' "pre-mature" death. This dissapointment is so clear in the story of Emmaus road. Two of the disciples are leaving Jerusalem on what would have been the first Easter Sunday. Luke 24:17 says "They stood still, their faces downast" as the resurrected Jesus approaches them unrecognized. The story goes on that Jesus explains to them how he had to suffer and then enter into glory. And finally that evening as Jesus breaks bread they suddenly realize who they are with. And all the sudden their "hearts burned" within them. And this is what I have come to see this year. That God's ways are higher than mine, and out of great suffering and pain comes great joy and passion. I love that the act of Jesus breaking bread is how they recognized him! It sybolizes so much. That Jesus himself has become the bread of life for us, that he was committed to celebrating this life with his friends, and that he even taught his disciples to do the same (Acts 2:42). The last verse in Luke's gospel says it all "They stayed continually at the temple praising God" The resurrection has always required the response of celebration and awe, and I think the call to us today is the same: to stay on the Hosanna side of things in life. To tell and re-tell the incredible story of Jesus in this world, to live and celebrate life with our friends and family, and to pursue Christ with hearts that are burning for him!
I challenge you this week to reflect on what the cross and resurrection mean to you. What is God saying too you in this season? Share it with us.
Here is an excellent article by NT Wright on what the resurrection means in todays society, let me know what you think.
"One of the best sermons ever..."
that was ONE OF THE BEST BLOGS EVER. Thanks Wes,
Wes, get the room ready!
I'm moving to the Ft. Wayne
to participate in the W.W. Gaines
School of Ministry (WWGSofM)
Sorry for dissing your Bible Degree
- I know not of what I speak
I wish i could look you in the eyes and say that, but i just can't.
You are a holy man
Thank you for your continual inspiration
Oh, one question
Do they offer knitting at WWGaines School of Ministry?
I have been so blessed this week and convicted at the same time simply reflecting on the death of Jesus. I am convicted that we don't celebrate this "life" we have received as if it was the most important holiday of the year. I am blessed that through suffering came life and abundant life. Lord help us be reminded of the price you paid on our behalf, daily and not just during this time. Help us live a life worthy of you, and show other no matter what you are faithful. Wes thank you for such an awesome blog. Sorry that I have been out of the loop for awhile it has been a busy year, but hopefully I will be chiming in more often.
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