Friday, November 11, 2005

Today's the Best...It's Harvest Fest!

I as well am only kidding, because though tonight we will dine on some of the best harvest food west of Iberia, today is about Ben's big day turing a quarter century. We've already had Plaza French Toast at Village Eatery as well as a snazzy trip to TJ's (Trader Joe's) in B & B's phat new ride. I too share similar fond memories of Ben's life throughout the years. Here's some of my favorites... Ben was always a Gaines trend setter donning the first ever black and teal wicked high tops with jams hanging far below the knees. Ben's record setting year in T-ball where he challenged Barry Bond's HR record...If I remember right his first plate appearance was complete with a towering D. Ford-esk blast from Field I to Field H. And he did it all with "the patch." Ben's reaction about age 6 after mom shatters a jar on top of the fridge, "Oh Sh#@!!" I think some soap followed. Ben's epic Daniel Laruso moment in the BCC kitchen after Wes comes high and wide with a kick to the side and soon has his legged nearly snapped as Ben shows moves that only the Cobra Kai sensei could be proud of as he puts Wes' knee out of comission. In all seriousness...Ben moving to SoCal to give me some family when I was feelling way out of the loop. Ben showing up on our doorstep with a ring on Becky's finger just after proposing and getting to experience that joy with them. Being honored to baptize Ben at BCC after the ghost of McFadden finally got him! Ben is certainly one of a kind. Today we celebrate you!

P.S. Wes and Sarah we miss you and wish you were here!

1 comment:

Andrew said...

I might be a little bit late. Some of us have to work today.