Tuesday, June 19, 2007

the boy's got ups

We buckled. We bought the boy a jumper. As we walked out of the second-hand children's store, giant jumping mechanism in hand, Wes's cheeks were flushed with embarassment and we both agreed our six month-old had "taken us to the bank." It's just that he has all this energy. I mean a lot of energy. The kind of excess energy that caused him to grab his dad's sandwich basket at Zingerman's and fling it across the restaurant. And wouldn't you know, he loves the darn thing. I snuck a little video (sorry for the darkness) of him and Wes together last night to show you just how much Cash adores the jumperoo (and the guitar)!

Expect more jumping videos soon. Click here to see another video of Wes and Cash. Background for this video: Cash wasn't going down for a nap, so Wes said he'd go upstairs and lay with him for 10 minutes to see if he could get him to fall asleep. After 15 minutes I didn't hear any squawking, so I went upstairs and this is what I found. Biiiig surprise.

1 comment:

Bill said...

The second video reminds me of the last day at SITS and Gary would go around to each room with a video yelling "Good MOOOrning Campers". I would go with him just to pull Wes out of his bed and into the hallway (still sleeping).