I have to wish everyone a happy Hallmark Lover's day. This sucks. Alone. J/K I will heading to Fort Meyers area tomorrow nite to see the Mrs. and my little Train conductor who is obsessed with Thomas. Finally.
Before I roll, I gotta give shout out to my boy in G-Dora....HAPPY B-DAY...FELIZ CUMP papa Jake. You are my strength when I am weak..etc etc etc. No in all seriousness, despite your passion to be like Mike, I mean J.J. Redneck, you are the big bro we all look up to. I have said it before and I will "beat the dead horse", you're the guy I want Caleb and rest of sibs to grow up like (no cheese intended...WHAT WHAT YOU SAY the rest of you who are saying I'm pulling the Norm card.....notice that I didn't mention a thing out death). Seriously, you are 30, and that's old and I got some ROGAINE COMING WEST FOR YOU. Cheers to our spiritual leader and bandwagon driver this March who has taken a high stick to the temple and survived, has swam skins in Lake Greyson with Mike Reynolds, denied a smoke on recess from Shannon Brown, rubbed shoulders with M Redman, Tangled with all of us boys, batted clean-up when Micah got put on the Injured List, told me about Jesus when Wes wouldn't, forgave Kobe when he shed his first tear, covered up for the boys during the prank radio station phone call gigs, confronted Louie Weber after his internet accusation on a nice middle school boy (Hmmmm????), didn't lose grip after McFadden's eye-to-eye challenge to hit the H2O with Wesser (when he got b-tized at age 3), and so on and so on and so on.... save some for the rest of the posse to write
Feel Free to use this forum for a threaded discussion (learned that one at MSU) to honor our CUB and his 30th.
BTW, CHeers to Wes and Sarh for a fab weekend and for making this time abit easier for me. Although "the book" not so much with the wife being gone (Jk). Sarah the Librarian was a natural in her domain. I dropped an author's name and within 3 seconds I had every book she wrote plus cliftnotes. Phenomenal. Also, to Wes and his attempt to burn my bro's first CD. Man, that's low bro' but thanks for covering for din din. Thai food was great, your wife is a beauty (WHAT IT!), I got a hickie from both Junie and psycho Petey for a souvenir, and almost a heartattack on the way home. Luv the Fort, we'll be down with the fam again soon. Promise. Da na na na...whatever happened to the promise you made.....da na na na...
Love today and alwayz,
I think 'El Jefe' is a little anxious. But hey, I'll send out another early birthday message to Jacob. Why not?!
Happy Birthday Jake, I'll get you again in two weeks!!
i can't believe it's already the 27th!
The big 30, almost 30 days early...hmm
Okay, okay, I gotta have my boy's back. Just b/c Jeff heard the starter gun a little early doesn't mean that he's DQ. Jeff, you're early b-day reflections were epic. You've gotten us off the blocks and set a fierce pace. Now, back to the starting line bro. You get another shot in a couple weeks!
It is possible that Jeff may be onto something here. Jake, you were late in coming into this world. For weeks your mother and I were waiting for you to arrive. According to the doctors calculations, you were late. You were very late. Many car drives with your mother to see the oil refineries in Joliet, IL. Something to do while we waited, and we waited, and we waited. People called around the clock asking, "has the baby arrived yet". Possibly, quite possibly Jeff is working off of the time you were suppose to arrive. Not the actual arrival.
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