Wes was up bright and early before 6 this morning, and is now on his way to Nashville for round two of his recording battle (they decided to completely start over). Let's pray and cross our fingers that this weekend is majorly productive, that the process goes smoothly, and that i don't get kidnapped while i'm sleeping alone.
on a side note, now that all wes's co-workers know he's going to record in nashville they think he's this big rock star. yesterday they were inquiring about it and someone said, "You know, Amy Grant played worship music and she busted out onto the pop charts!" So Wes has just been telling them, "yeah, i'm kind of like amy grant."
We're praying for you both!
Sarah Jane, since I travel a lot leaving your mother-in-law home alone, I thought I would pass on some of her tricks to keep the buggy man away.
1. If you have a door that needs to be secured, put a chair up against the door knob. When they try to come in and can't open the door, they leave.
2. Spoons are a good deterent. Put spoons on the door knobs so that if someone is coming in the door, the spoons will hit the floor making a loud noise waking you up.
3. If attacked, your mother-in-law will swing both arms like a windmill. Thus striking the attacker and sending them away.
Probably the best deterent you have is called June.
Will pray for you both.
i was thinking about putting a chair against the back door, considering there's no deadbolt on it. then i remembered the reverse door stopper move that sounded promising but turned out to be a big flop.
those pups will definitely be sleeping in our room this weekend!
thanks for the tips and prayers.
set my heart in motion wes!
I am recording in the studio where Amy Grant recorded Lead Me On and other hits, My co-workers were prophetic!! Should be a good weekend. But still... I miss my wife terribly!!!
(learned that one from Dad)
you didn't sound like you missed me when you called, "yeah, we're just hanging out at fazoli's. now we're going to have a cup of coffee."
call #2 "yeah, we're just hanging out at the studio. it's so nice. there are platinum records all over the walls. it's awesome."
just admit it, you're living the rockstar life! :)
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