Today I got pulled over and ticketed for not wearing my seatbelt for the third time (cue Gramie, "Now that's pitiful"). That brings Wes's grand total up to about 15 traffic violations. Not bad; awful. With each subsequent seat belt violation I have become more
Libertarian. Come on Smoky! Get off my case, its my life.
yeah, wes seems to think that it's absolutely ridiculous for there to be laws regarding our safety. wes: "if i'm a danger to someone else then, fine, worry about it. you shouldn't be able to tell me that i have to keep myself safe."
actually, wes, they do b/c otherwise people like you would neglect to wear them!
David says "Send me the ticket and a case of bud light and I'll make it so it never happened"
Wes, maybe you should speak to Dave and Jill Silver about what can happen when you do not wear a seat belt. It affects the whole family if something happens. Please wear it.
After talking with Wes, I think his run in with the law was a clear example of racial profiling
Caucasian male, drinking coffee, singing, talking on his cell phone ... looks like trouble - LET'S GET HIM!!
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