Ok, so, for the past couple of months, myself and fellow colleagues, have been facing a very interesting classroom management issue. No, it's not spitwads, horseing around or even the occasional F bomb.......no, this time we are up against EDWARD, the main SQUEEZE from the book and now movie out today, TWILIGHT.
Most of my female students are entranced by this fantasy novel and yet, I am reluctant to call it that, because it seems like a reality to these young learners. They read it during every hour, and give that somewhat "how dare you" stare when questioned about its relevance to our class....How can we teachers compete with a young, daunting, handsome, melodramatic Vampire?
It's incredible to see the shirts, books, and hear the craze for something like this. It Woodstockish? I know may be even some of you might be able to relate and share this zeal for this "SO LONG TO J.K. ROWLING" craze? hmmmm?????
It's hilarious to hear my guy students address the issue and call out the girls in the middle of class and have the girls say something like, "You're just jealous of Edward." "You guys need to pick up the book and read and learn how to treat a girl!"
The guys just chuckle, "Dude, he's a Vampire."
Anyway, I had to post this, because I can't remember for the life of me OUR GENERATIONS juvenile literature/pop culture addiction. HArdy Boys? Mario Brothers?
Anfd today it topped it off by some of my girls coming in showing me marks on their neck , saying they've been "bitten" by Edward, after seeing the movie last night at Midnight.
The Twilight craze is alive and well in SoCal. Foothill Christian has Twilight fever. I'm having up to 5 or 6 girls in class trying to read during my lessons. So I'm now having to confiscate books. Unreal.
Yesterday, I was at Starbucks with a group of students and when we ordered, they wanted to use names of characters from Twilight. Lucky me...I was Edward!
Gross, bite marks? That's too much, even for me. What in the world is that all about?
Dude, there's a student at Messiah who looks exactly like Edward, and he's an actor. Wierd!!! I wonder if he's a vampire too!? How would I approach that?
Approach him cautiously with a wooden stake behind your back. If he goes for your neck, slam that thing through his heart. If it turns out he's just a normal high schooler act like, "hey where did that stake come from" throw it aside and ask him how his walk with CHrist is.
All you guys - your commnents are hilarious and entertaining!
Did Rod Sterling MC this movie?
For those of you of the younger generation, there was a TV show called the Twilight Zone hosted by Rod Sterling. Poor attempt at humor: sorry.
We went to see another movie Friday night and while I was in the bathroom a young tween asked me, "have you seen Twilight?" when I responded, "no", she said, "It's the best movie I've ever seen." Her mom then echoed, "I'm in love with a vampire!" WHAT?????
I hate to admit it but I am hooked on the book-my sister just sent it to me. Should I be admitting this?
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