Saturday, November 01, 2008

Jacob's Pre-Election Musings

With the election only days away and political fervor reaching levels I've never before seen, I thought I'd drop one last article for perspective and critical reflection. This morning as Barack Obama addressed a crowd in Columbia, Missouri he told his supporters, "It's gonna get nasty" in these last few days. Too bad, I thought. I've heard and seen a lot of nastiness from impassioned people on both sides who are certain that the future of the free world hangs in the balance of this election. A lot of hope tied up in a system as the article below says, "built upon being right and proving your opponent wrong, and winning at any cost." A LOT of money spent. A lot of families and friends divided. And in my humble opinion, a lot invested in a system that is simply not the end-all answer to the plight of our country. Perhaps I'm trivializing things a bit and not appreciating the democratic process that we hold so dear. Or maybe, I'm just ready for this all to end, and I'm just calling the Church to reassert itself and refocus itself on the only real, lasting hope for humanity. I'm with Steve, this life I live, I live for so much more!!!

Give this article from Relevant a read before you go to the polls on Tues. Love to hear your thoughts.

And Happy Belated Blog Birthday to Andrew!!!


wes gaines said...

Good article. Yeah I'm ready for this one to be over.

lena jo said...

Well said Cameron. The theme at OPC this year is Salt. As Christ followers Jesus says to us, "You are the salt of the earth." As this article so eloquently states- too long Christians have sat in the pews.