Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Arturo, originally uploaded by andrewgaines.

Quite simply the best American Apparel ad I've seen.
I don't know if you'll be able to read the print but Arturo is an employee at American Apparel and a former police officer and Lucha Wrestler in Mexico. And an all around good guy.

Watch this video of him also that Ben helped translate:


Ben and Becky said...

Your own Nacho Libre...great ad!

wes gaines said...

excellente, if you have any extra copies of that ad around send us a copy.

Andrew said...

Upon further investigation Arturo was not too happy about the ad.

"I was never unmasked", he told me. (Desenmascarado means unmasked in Spanish).

Apparently being unmasked in Lucha wrestling is the ultimate defeat.

"What will my fans think?" he said.

I told him that I think they meant 'Unmasked' figuratively (en sentido figurado) for the ad's sake.

"Well, it doesn't say, 'Unmasked... figuratively'", he said. "And besides, it's a terrible picture of me.