We had a blast today at Caleb's Thomas the Train 2nd B-day party. It was a day to remember. One of surprises....WES AND SARAH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Norm busting through the sliding SCREEN door, "Oh, I'm ok, I'll fix it" after we thought Armaggedon was upon us, Jeff doin' some promoting and getting top dollar for Wes and Steve's new MUSIC, Caleb scoring a vintage Tigers jacket from W &S (thrift store in FtWayne!!!), Greek Mafia representin', Barbaro going down in the Preakness and Dawn Georgiou yelling, "Are they going to shoot him?", Bill and Leen trying again, to wooo me to Cali (Shut up Bill and don't call me next week, please), Bill Stelter and Bill Gaines trading Masters Moments, Debbie the new threads for C-unit (I love em Mom, seriously), 80% females pregnant, Diana running after the wolf and the poor little bunnies, the little tykes playing together, Benny Brus and connections from film, theology, family and the party??? and my little guy TURNING 2!!!! He is AMAZING. I love when our families get together...it's BLISS. We need to do this more. Today I saw what 's coming the Gaines-Lampi way........NINOS and ABUELOS!!! Missed you SOOO MUCH West Coast Gang. It's hard being far apart. I did spread the word about possible Fall get together WEST COAST STYLE to welcome in the new babe. Anyway, what a great day. Thanks to EVERYONE. Caleb is blessed.
Happy numero dos C-Unit from the SoCal aunts and uncles. We need you to head west so we can take the Amtrak Pacific Surfliner up to Santa Barbara. You're the little man in the Jake position amongst the new generation of Gaines-Lampi's so when you come out we'll talk about all that means. Looks like you threw quite the partay. Sorry we missed it!
norm through the screen door was classic! Praise the Lord, Barbaro is back on his feet!!
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