Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Eagle Has Landed

Everyone knows that one of the top five on my bucket list is to see a bald eagle in the wild. Well, cross that one off. A bald eagle family has moved into our area and created quite a stir. The eagle nest is on the banks of the Wabash River southwest of us, and while I was in the area for work today I stopped by for a visit. A short hike through the woods and and straight across the river from me sat perched our national symbol of freedom. After about 15 minutes of alone time with baldy, a couple die-hards joined me and lent me their binoculars. Through the enhanced view the majestic creature peered at me with a look that must have said "Freedom ain't free!" I know it ain't baldy, I know it ain't.


c-unitsdaddy said...

AHHHHH...if you could see me now! I am rolling Wes! That last line was sweet! Yes! Let freedom ring!

Yeah, We have a bald eagle in lansing too. It's called Potter Park Zoo and it is about half the weight of that one in the picture, losing it's back feathers, wings are clipped and it just stares at you.

I can see in its eyes...."freedom ain't free."

Bill said...

As I am off the shores of the "land of the brave and the home of the free", I want to stand up and sing our National Anthem. Thanks Wes.

steve lampi said...