So this girl (Hollie) who attends the LIFT service at messiah, was in a mile run with her school this past Sunday. She is autistic, but has had significant improvement in her disability and is the sweetest thing you'll ever meet. The race was for Parkdale Elementary here in Midland and the second graders all came out for the run. The boys ran first and the girls second. After starting the race, Hollie ran about the first quarter of the race with the kids and then lost all her steam. She was 1/8th of the way done and her mom was crushed that she would have to run the race alone. She debated whether to go walk with her the rest of the way and just before she did, a couple of second grade boys ran out with her, joined by a few others. They ended up running the last half mile together helping her get through. That is pretty cool. I want my son to be the kid that ran out there first to help. I know you all feel the same way.
Great story Steve,
I may work it into a lesson here at the end of school about sticking together. Inspiring!
P.S. I did notice that it was a kid wearing a UM #1 football jersey that was running closest to Hollie. Hmmm..
Well, thanks Steve, I got my warm-up for my classes done for tomorrow. Count it! Solid. Thanks for sharin'.
Love ya
AWESOME story! Thanks for sharing it Steve. It brought tears to my eyes and a lump in my throat.
Chicken Soup for the Parents Soul entry candidate...
That's a precious story. Of course I am teary-eyed too.
Those little boys are so sweet.
That's a precious story. Of course I am teary-eyed too.
Those little boys are so sweet.
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