Incredible. Three years in a a row now that the Pirate Cross Team has owned the mitten! Read the story if you'd like. They are sick! The kid with the hat on got 1st overall with 3.1 miles in about 15 minutes.....you do the math....ahh...yeah.
are those the same guys that lapped us in the Hungry Duck race? in other running news that was crazy about the Michigan runner who dropped dead in the Olympic Marathon time trials...are we sure we should try one?
sidenote: karma bit me as after I mercilessly razzed lampi about the UofM game, the Colts go down in an almost identical game giving up two TDs in the last 7 mins... it hurts, i know
Wes, same ole' Sparties...you're right. It's heartbreaking. And then Dantonio opens his yapper and stoops to Hart's level after Hart calls MSU - UofM's "lil' brother"-
What a joke.
And I was thinking he same thing about the Colts and Pats. Although I wanted so badly Tom Brady to get wallopped by an INDY blitz package. My new hated NFL team = NEW ENGLAND. Go LIons....????? Not yet, they need a quality road win. I'm not on that bandwagon just yet.
About the marathon; I'm Ruth, you're Boaz....and where you run I'll run......."If I run away with you....." - Snow Patrol?
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