Calling all men and women who want in this year's most excellent GAINES-LAMPI BOWL SERIES PICK 'em!
Rules: Anyone who is blood Gaines-Lampi (18 and over) + extended family members (JOEL etc etc) (ok kin like Brus' too)
What: obtain bowl games schedule from any search "ncaa bowl games" and e-mail/blog me by NEXT SUNDAY the 17th! Gives you a week or so to read up...or not.
****email me at jlampi@pcs.k12.mi.us (pass this on to
ThE clincher: 2 bucks to get in/person this year. Ok..Pray for me.
First PRize: 75% of pot
Runner-up: 25% of pot
*** Total Games PLUS GIVE TOTAL POINTS of CHAMPIONSHIP (ieOSU 34 FLA 21 = 55 pts)
So if we get 20 people at 2 bucks a pop = 40 bones
First place gets $30.....second...$10
The question is....are you in and willing to pay the piper. Pray for me...gosh...addiction
I am the bookee...I like power positions like this...thats irrelevant...."will you be the one to answer to this call" (this is redemption for me....I was dead last in 06)
I'll keep track of your "sheet and scores" and at some pt. SEND ME YOUR $2 (or + spouse...$4)
Jeff Lampi
616 Moorland
East Lansing, MI 48823
already I see some smack coming from the West coast....some inspiration and LUCK charms coming from the brand new daddies (Mid-town/Fort)...and some sleeper ladies putting the men to shame.... IT'S ON!
Who is already in: Straight outta the Greek Mafia...THE DOCTOR, myself, Steph, Steve-o, Shae, Norm, Debs, this guy I met in greektown last weekend (jk), Big Daddy Sniper Stelter (shea's paps), and many more... the more the merrier...and green (pray for me again)
Ange, I better get some German love homie!
(The views expressed by the author of this blog do not infer any new habit or guilty pleasure....NOT)
Sarah and Wes are in now too. As if that wasn't a given. Sarah, man, what a woman, taking it on on the brink of labor. Who is next? Step it up
Make that Bill too! He's already got me his picks...and some smack too. Props to Big Papi (his new nick name)
we in
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