Monday, February 23, 2009

Its Fat Tuesday, and way before sunrise Eric Smith is broadcasting live for Channel 7 news at a Hamtramck paczki shop. I always wondered if this assignment was to Eric Smith what going to Punxatawny was for Bill Murray in Groundhogs Day. I don’t think so, Eric Smith always seemed like a genuinely good person. Anyway, Happy Paczki Day!! We are having a Fat Tuesday party with our church community and I happened to find paczkis at our local store and the sight of those donuts on steroids made my heart jump. I guess the story behind them is that before the start of Lent, when Christians typically fast, the Polish would try to use up everything they had in their kitchen, and so the result was the Paczki, an oversized donut stuffed with anything imaginable, sold for 50 cents at Maltby Middle School (Norm has the 50 cent paczki become a victim of inflation?).

For those observing Lent, our Church is also using this prayer guide as we journey from Ash Wednesday to Holy Week. I thought it has some good stuff in it if any in the family want to use it. Peace, Love, and Paczkis.


sarahjane said...

Those darn donuts have been sitting on our counter since yesterday. . . oh, the willpower! Happy Fat Tuesday!

Andrew said...

joke of the day goes to lena when she called me back after i left her a 'happy paczki day' message this morning. off the cuff, she says, 'i can't believe you beat me to the punch!', not even realizing, at first, her hilarious play on words. get it?
she beat me to the 'paczk'. now you get it?

guess you had to be there.

debbie said...

It is the ONE sweet that I have never cared to try....something about the jelly....
give me a double chocolate donut instead.

Wow Wes... it looks like a challenging guide for the next month...very pleasing to God.

Andrew said...

and today in the mail i get a package of paczkis! i didn't think those things were allowed on planes.

thanks mom!

Andrew said...

and dad.