The team formerly known as the Fort Wayne Wizards has a new name. Next year we'll be watching Tin Caps baseball at our new downtown stadium! For those of you confused by this, might I remind you of one who "
lived for others", he was known for giving all he had to the poor even the clothes off his back, leaving him with no cap but for his tin pan, and so what better way to commemorate this legend than naming our team after him. By the way Lugnuts and Loons, Johnny may have lived for others but not our sluggers. You better get a tetnus shot before you come to our tin shack, we gonna done put a cap in yo a##! A tin cap that is. Ha! I'm getting a hat. Anyone else want one?
no thanks, I'll pass. what a stupid name
jk Player
Sorry, I already have one!
Hook me up with a hat wes, I want a good mascot to cheer for that doesn't make a ridiculous sound every time a player comes to bat.
your mascot makes a ridiculous sound?
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