So my wife, being the sport addict she is, not really, tells me today that she and Grey ran into an old guy named Ernie at Glenn's food market here in Midland. She talked with him for 10 minutes in the yogurt isle about politics and how hillary dresses so weird. After that they ran into each other a second time to talk about his son and ours and how Grey is bald just like him. A little while later, they ran into each other again. This man told Shea he should introduce himself and he did. ERNIE HARWELL! Shea knew that sounded familiar as well as his voice as he talked to her and she almost asked him if he was a golfer that's on tv because she recognized his voice and name. Shea managed to avoid every question I would have all asked him. I was a little mad to find this out because I would've liked him to come over for dinner or something. They talked about his son, whose name is Gray I found out, but Shea failed to mention our son's name is Grey as well, missed that opportunity. That could've been the kicker to a friendship with the greatest tigers legend ever. I love my wife even though she is not down with the sports scene. I showed Shea a picture of him on the internet and she started laughing because she really wasn't sure if it was him, but it was she said. Wow, even in midland, the legends wander. Just letting you all know that your dream was fulfilled by Shea Lampi of talking to the voice we all remember from when we were little. So why was Ernie in Midland and why did Shea not ask him at least one question that I could've shared with all of you and was it really Ernie? The world may never know.
Oh my word, that's hilarious. I 'm sure all the guys are cringing at the thought of the "dinner that could've been" with Ernie.
Happy Birthday, Steve!
HAPPY B-DAY...STEVE...you were supposed to go get groceries...and that was my gift to you!!!!
Ah man! Oh well, I guess leading worship with Crowder wasn't so bad this morning.
I'm jealous. Ernie is an ICON.
Way to represent Shea! The sound of Ernie's voice leaves me longing for home. Baseball in in the air!! Happy B-Day Steve-o!!
I love Ernie Harwell!!
I just wonder what he was doing in Midland? Isn't there a minor league team there? Maybe he's going to be their announcer?
Happy late Birthday Steve!
Sorry I didn't get a card sent this year.
Shea, here is one of Ernie's sayings you could of asked jim to yell: "It's looooong gone"!
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