Another highlight had to be Caleb strutting out in his new soccer cleats...priceless.
Finally, Sarah and I capped the weekend off by going to Tom and Paula's on sunday. I took Sonny out on a ride with Tom. Let's just say its been a while since I've been on a horse. Everything was going great until we went back in the woods behind their house and Sonny decided it had been a while since he had sprinted through the forest! Before I knew it I had completed by first jump as Sonny leapt over a fallen tree and then gave me a good buck. White knuckles all the way, I don't know how I stayed on that horse but I guess I earned my spurs and might have found my new calling as a rodeo star. We all gotta go out ther next time, its a blast. Peace, love you all.
One of those great-get-togethers with the the G-L posse. Fab time with the West Coast Gang and Fort duo and don't forget the Mt. P peeps. Favorite Moments...seeing WES' EYES upon his b-day present (sixer of Tecate), Me joke stealin' "It's French!" upon seeing "the outfit", akward siklence when Steph said we should pray (that was weird???), Dave Hatfield's stylin' East Coast threads, Paula's random
"in-your-face" mandates, our Organic neighbor turning down "the juice"...c'mon, and Bill's epic comment to Mary when she compared herself to feeling as big as a whale..."well, Mar, it is what it is" WOW, Bill. Ouch...got more? chime in!
Besides that....it was like living a year in a moment..whenever we get together...it's just happens. Love it.
I know I speak for Abigail when I send many thanks to all who made us feel so special on Saturday. We only wish B & B, Drew, and Norm and Deb could have rounded it out. Large thanks to Mary and Steph who put together an amazing spread and Jeff and Ben for prayers (Benny got called up twice as a closer) and entertainment.
Last night at dinner we were kind of breaking down the weekend and found it hard to really grasp it all. I find myself getting really reflective as I sit in a room with all these people who have meant so much to me through the years. When you live so far away and connect in person so infrequently it's so hard to cram it into an afternoon. You just wish you had the time to sit and talk a few hours with everyone, but that's the nature of the beast. I guess therein lies the beauty and the tension. Dare you to move...dare you to run...why am I all of the sudden rewriting a Switchfoot song?
Some highlights for me... always Jeff's big intros, yes including, "This is Ginger our new neighbor from Santa Cruz (dramatic pause)...COMPLETELY ORGANIC!" (chirp, chirp)...Steve's amazing Rondaldino display on the local soccer field (ask Abigail, I'm still talking about it!)... Steve, I still owe you $6...and getting to hold my new nephew (Eden rocks!) Can't wait for the next time with 4 new additions! Much love to all.
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