POP QUIZ: What are you looking at?
(congrats to Jake)
Here are a couple news stories I think are interesting:
CHINA: Their economy is booming but their government is as oppressive as ever. The growing rich/poor divide raises a lot of questions. Here is an article about a recent protest in a poorer rural area where protesters were beaten and even killed by the police. Also the BBC did a series on China that is worth a listen (particulary the segment on the Chinese youth's view of America) Listen
EVOLUTION VS. CREATION: Science vs. Religion, now more than ever Christians need to respond thoughtfully to this issue. Here is a article written from the secular point of view that raises the question "Is God an Accident", and tries to explain religion psychologically. Here is a short Dallas Willard article on the science v. faith dilema. Finally, the Catholic Church on intelligent design READ
ANIMAL RIGHTS: A whale swims into downtown London, the Department of Justice arrests extreme animal rights activists for arson, a former speechwriter (also a Christian) for president Bush resigns his position and writes a book called "Dominion" on how to ethically treat animals:
we sang St. Francis' "All Creatures of our God and King" last Sunday, an article that might have me eating certain kinds of meat in the future, and watching "Grizzly Man" this week got me thinking about the animal rights issue again. I think this is something we should all pay a little more attention to. (pete made me say that)
Although animal welfare is usually thought of as a liberal cause, Scully argues that it ought to be a central issue for religious conservatives.
"Religious people . . . hold a kind and merciful view of life, the faith of the broken, the hounded, the hopeless," he wrote. "Yet too often, they will not extend that spirit to our fellow creatures. More than anything else, I hope with this book to speak to those people."
Funniest story of the week was the Steelers fan who had a heart attack when Jerome Bettis fumbled. READ I think I'm finally over that game...
That's all...what do you think???
What have you been thinking about???
my google maps link didn't work for some reason. I think it looks like a re-incarnation of Ron Charleville's silhouette from Mom and Dad's shower. I'll read those articles and re-post I presume.
I think it's Lake Michigan?
I always appreciate your article referrals, even though they are usually a little deeper than I tend to think. Thanks for spurring me on.
"Is it I...Simon Peter? For that must be the lake upon which my brother Andrew and I fished for many a year. Lake Geneseret, the Sea of Tiberias, or the Sea of Galilee!"
I'll have to read the articles when I've got more time. Beautiful SoCal afternoon. Half day at school so I mountain biked GMR (Glendora Mt. Road) Andrew, get ready for the 30 miles on my 30th! Have a great weekend to all!
Jacob, you're right!!! Wes did show a bit of surprise when he realized someone had actually gotten it. i had no clue what it was.
you can't stump another bible major, wes.
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