Monday, December 06, 2010

Please, if you get a chance........

Last weekend's sermon on:

The Son of Man Came to Serve
Mark 10:32-45

Unbelievable. Please consider this Christmas message if you have a chance during your devotional time, car ride over the holidays, etc. Unreal. Love to talk about it too.


1 comment:

steve lampi said...

good stuff. I liked how he said that God substituted himself as the sacrifice for men...really reminds me of how we are called to substitute our lives and the ways we want to live for how and what he would want us to give up for others. Time/money/(american entitlements). Good message, we hear the same message a lot in different ways...but what counts is if we actually change something and respond. Faith in God is dead without actions. The greatest message I ever hear from God is rarely from the is when I am actually living becomes real.