Hey fam,
Just wanted to pass on and recommend a new read for my 2 families - who've been rooted, raised and established in the church our entire lives. This day in age there is a stigma towards the church in our culture - towards organized religion - I see in amongst my high school students. I am starting to read it; it's well-balanced and just a solid read. Check it out on amazon for $9.00. Much love.
And praying that all the babies come soon, healthy- adoptions and deliveries!
Jeff xo
Sounds great! Tell Ted I'll pick my signed copy up next time were in town. That's actually what I'm preaching on this week: "You Need The Church" based on Eph 2:11-22. The problem is most of us equate church with "going to church" or attendance and therefore treat church either moralistically as in "I really should go to church, its the right thing to do.." or consumeristically, meaning we go because the sermons really speak to me or because the worship band is really smokin'! All this does is turn church into a religious shopping mall where we go to receive spiritual goods and services (funny cause a lot of churches today look like shopping malls). But Paul in this great passage mentions nothing about "going to church" but describes something far deeper and more intimate where God saves us so that he can place us into a new radical community that is the most inclusive, diverse community the world will ever know and the greatest force for peace the world will ever know! He shows with increasing intensity how we are made citizens in God's City, members of God's family, and that we are even cemented together to form a dwelling place for the presence of God. He's in us! But only in the context of church. And all this is accomplished through Jesus' work on the cross where he puts to death our hostility toward one another and becomes our peace. That "church" is something to be excited about. (sorry I'm really like preparing for this sermon)
preach it preacha! How ironic! Well.....may be not????!!!!! Birthday coming up soon???????
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