Best picture of us taken on the beach in Grand Haven.These are a few of my favorite things in 2008...
Music: The 4 albums I bought in 2008 (because they're really good)1.
Deerhunter Microcastle/Weird Era: My favorite new band of 2008 because I like loud guitars and creative songwriting, this is my favorite album of the year. (
Bon Iver For Emma For Ever Ago: Sarah and I wore this album out, beautiful songs written in a cabin in north Wisconsin (
Steven Malkmus Real Emotional Trash: I listened to this over and over this past spring as the weather got warmer, Cold Son is the best song (
Welcome to the Welcome Wagon: Welcome Wagon are a husband and wife who planted a church in Brooklyn, this album was produced by Sufjan Stevens and is a bunch of songs based on the Bible. (
Movies: These movies moved and entertained:
Transsiberian: A mystery, thriller on a train going through Siberia. Yikes.
The Fall: Visually stunning, and the cutest little girl you will ever see in a movie.
Encounters at the End of the World: Sarah and I watched this in the theater in Fort Wayne with one other person, its a documentary about Antarctica and the people who go there, again visually stunning, and Dad yes they tour Shakleton's shelter.
Taxi to the Dark Side: Another documentary about our treatment of detainees in Iraq/Afhanistan, its a Debbie Downer, but somehting that can't be ignored if we are truly people called to love our enemies.
Politics: Regradless of who you voted for, it was memorable, heated, and the first president our children remember will be a black man. Bishop Desmond Tutu offered some great post election thoughts (
Best Blog Post: The Patrol (formerly CCM patrol) nailed it when they described the sound of today's Christian music as "
utterly and completely soulless". (read full post) You know the're surfing the radio and you hear that plastic sound and within 3 seconds know you're in CCMville.
Best attempt at heisting an auto dealership when gas was $4.00/gallon: Earlier this year when gas prices were peaking at $4.00 plus per gallon, approximately 99% of the driving public were considering downgrading their cars to get a more fuel efficient car, our boy Jeff strode into Brighton Honda with the following proposition:
Jeff: Hey, uh... I'd like to make you an offer. I'll trade you this Honda Accord (which you're having trouble selling) for a Honda Fit (30+ per gallon, flying off the lot), and here's the deal, you give me the Fit, I give you the Accord, and uh we do this for no money down, and you lower my monthly lease payment....alright??
Dealer: No.
Jeff: I've made you a reasonable offer and you're turning me down??
Dealer: Let me check with my manager (leaves and returns)... No.
Jeff: I can't beleive this, let me talk to the manager.
Manager: How can I help you?
Jeff: I've been a loyal customer to this dealership, and I've made you an offer which is reasonable now why aren't you willing to deal with me.
Manager: Here's a reasonable offer, you make the down payment and start paying for that Fit like everyone else!
Jeff: Well obviously you aren't willing to help your loyal customers, I've made three reasonable offers all of which you have denied and as far as I'm concerned its three strikes and you're out!! (turns and walks out...stone cold)
I had to throw that in there Jeff, I love that story, for another good story ask Steve-o to recount his run in with a deer.
Have a Happy New Year!! I look forward to 2009 and to sharing it with all of you!