I'm not sure where to begin, but I will be brief. To the average shopper, this is a can of seasoning. To me, it is so much more. As I walk down the isle of many supermarkets and open the cupboards in my own house, I see it quite often. Every time I see this can of Cavendar's Greek Seasoning, I smile. For some reason it makes me feel good, like I've experienced something not a lot of people get to experience and I have. I know what it is too. Dr. G, I miss you and love you so much.

(I was blessed to have known you.)
Thanks, Steve.
Jeff and Stephanie, we're thinking a lot about you and the family.
that was so nice of you for those nice words. Yes, we were with her mom this weekend and it was a tough but good time together. We did go to the cemetery today and, ironically!, Caleb and Eden sprinkled about half a bottle of that greek seasoning on their Papou's grave. It was everywhere. Their Papou would be so proud of them. A little later, while in Costco I picked Caleb up because he was tired and he just REEKED of the greek seasoning, leftover in his hair. I just laughed.
It has been a bit challenging to explain to Caleb that his Papou isn't coming back (he prayed that a few times while at his grave); and at one point he asked if we could "dig" him up. Although I think he does understand kind of, that his body's in Heaven with Jesus. Eden on the otherhand.......just kept sprinkling...
Thanks again for the kind words Steve. I know Dawn will really appreciate them as well as Stephanie. He did SO MUCH love you guys.
I was reflecting on this a bit this week and I did tell Steph that the cliche "You never know what you've lost until it is gone" is SUCH A FARCE and nOT TRUE. Because with him, we KNEW how good we had it and how much better he made us. God Bless
Steve- sweet memories.
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