Hello... I thought it was about time that I post some last minute reminders about the gaines-lampi retreat. Review: Thank you for the $20 from each couple I have bought snacks, and will be buying breakfast and lunch food for everyone so that when you get there you can get settled and enjoy. I am asking if each couple will bring the following to split up the fruit: Bill/Lena-Watermelon, Norm/Debbie-Watermelon, Jake/Ab-Bananas, Wes/Sarah-Grapes, Steve/Shea-Strawberries, Jeff/Steph-Apples. This will be a huge help to me, thanks!! Also, I want to remind you that Jake/Ab and Wes/Sarah you do NOT need to bring a pack-n-play we have two up there for you ready to go. I have kids shampoo and toothpaste well stocked for the kiddos. We have blankets and pillows for everyone! Shea and I will have 2 monitors one for each place.
Oh yeah, Jeff and I thought that it would be a great idea if we read a book and have a bible study each day. We really wanted to be intentional about setting-up time with the Lord as a group. We picked the book Your Home a Place of Grace, by Susan Hunt. This book is great and pertains to all of us and the stages of life we are in so I am really excited about sharpening each other and digging into the word as a group. Wes and Steve- guitars for worship, Please if possible. Books will be arriving on Wed. to Norm and Debs so they said we can make arrangements to deliver them to the Gaines family. Sorry this is so late. This is intended to grow us as friends, families, parents, grandparents, husbands, and wives. So read it together if you can as couples. If possible could you read Part One: Ch 1-6 by Monday. Then we will split up part two and discuss that part during the week together.
Here is a quick overview I will have breakfast and lunch food for everyone. Bagels, PB/Jelly (organic), Milk for cash (Organic whole), Pancakes, Cream Cheese, Egg Casseroles, Muffins, Granola/Yogurt. Lunch- Sub sandwiches, Veggie Burgers, Wraps, pasta salads, Chips/Guac/Salsa and more. Dinner- I will have dinner for everyone on Sunday and Monday and then we can decide if we want to go out, or get pizza a day whatever the group decides. If you can let us know when you plan on arriving. Jeff and I will be there on Sat morning so whenever you come we will be ready. This is so exciting and awesome to be apart of such a close knit family. I can remember when I first was introduced to the Gaines family (ferret in pocket-crazy). I can't help but see God's divine hand in all of our lives, amazing parents, marriage, children and wise God fearing/loving grandparents. I feel extremely blessed to be part of this extended family. I cannot wait to see everybody! Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
Love, Stephanie
Thanks for all your hard work Stephanie. We can't wait!
Sounds good! Let me know if you need anything else!
You are awesome Steph! Thanks for all your hard work.
Love S,S & G
We are officially in the Big Mitten and can't wait to see everyone next week. Already mt. biked at Bishop, got 3 mosquito bites, pushed Grace on the swings at Imagination Station, fed some ducks, and of course, walked the famed tridge! Thanks Steph for making this soooo easy for us. See you in a few!!
You're amazing!
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