Well, after long deliberation (much longer than NCAA pairing), myself, this year's GL golf commissioner, is revealing the pairings for our much anticipated scramble on Wednesday morning, August 13th. I have chosen this day, due to the fact Steve, Grey and Shea, I believe aren't arriving until Tuesday evening. With that said, those early birds are welcomed to venture out for a practice round beforehand or go across the street from our places to the driving range ... although I think it's everyone's wish to spend as much time together as whole families, rather than some golfing and some staying with the ninos.
So after some trash talk, name calling and manipulation, here are the rankings:
1. Jacob "Ace" Gaines -- he became #1 when he pulled the Tiger "knee injury"
disclaimer on a previous blog
2. Bill "Big Papi who's your Daddy, Wes" Gaines
3. Wesley "Birthday Boy" Gaines
4. Steve "practice?....what do ya mean practice?" Lampi
5. Norm "no pressure all fun....maltby dances number ONE---in Bill's grill" Lampi
6. Lena "Shut up, Bill" Gaines
7. Debbie "Shut up, Norm" Lampi
8. Jeff "MVC ---most valuable caddy" Lampi
(Note: If Andrew shows up, which last time I talked to people, I'm getting the idea that he may not.....which stinks!!!...Caleb still talks about you!....then he is #8....and I am....you know)
So the best ball scramble pairings are:
Lena & Debbie (they said they want a piece of the men)
Jacob & Jeff
Bill and Norm
Wes & Steve
BTW- Wes seriously told me he hated when I caddied for him in the desert and warned me not to. BFF.
We'll be playing the North Course(so diverse and prestine!) and decide on 9 or 18 later. And there will be a prize for longest drive and closest to pin.
May the best 2 win the coveted GL Annual Scramble!!! See you in about two weeks!
Jeffrey, thanks for laying the pressure on big-time with a numero uno ranking. Alas, I think we can take this if you can sink a couple long putts and get inside everyone else's heads. You've been known to pull of sporadic magic as was the case when you went all Don Clothier during a church league game with the Vineyard. I believe you were 10 for 10 from the field and everyone said, "Jacob who?" I feel the same for this tourney! Step up from obscurity and bring it home. This is your time Zach Johnson!!
OK...Lena and I have just finished our last lesson for the season? for life? Nahhh...
And have 2 weeks to try not to be embarrassed playing with our children. We welcome the opportunity to be included in on the fun!
Oh man, Wesley, i hope you've been practicing. I'll try my best.
Norm and I will win "Guaranteed!!"
aka R. Wallace.
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