With both of these GLADIATORS, Wes and Steve, sitting strong with a stellar record of 18-10, we look ahead to tonight's Va Tech vs. Kansas matchup. If the Jayhawks spoil the Hoakies then Steve can look forward to a Barnes and Noble shopping spree and Starbucks bonus, but if the the Hoakies do what the nation thinks they'll do (trust me, that doesn't always come to fruition) then my boy, Johnny Appleseed Fort Wizzayne Kanye Wes will take home to prize and pride of 2007 College Bowl Game Gl posse Champion.
BUT, still my girl Sarah, Big Papa Bill and yes the SOCAL Sniper could end up winning as well...and are sitting on a solid 17-11.
Props to Steve going from last to first, Wes staying back and in the middle but down the last stretch showing his muscles and making the move, and to me for picking State, Hawaii and Wisconsin. I figured it out, if i would have done what my Dad did and not pick any Big Ten, the B and Noble card would be staying in EL. You live and learn. I can' win or finish Top 2 or 3 every time. .............ha!
So it's like Carmen vs. John Schlitt, Rob Harris vs. JohnG Elliot, Louie Webber vs. Chuck Booher, Barak Obama vs. Mitt Romney, Darin Kelbert vs. Micah Richardson, David Crowder vs. Chris Tomlin (watch it Wes you hater)....
The Bookie WILL be back,
Jefe xo
Dude, you spelled my name wrong.
Stephen.....dude whatever...you don't even KNOW my real name! You wish you were COOL! Go get a real name STEPHEN!
A DYNASTY is at stake here. If I pull this off I will be reining champ in both the NCAA Tourney Challenge and Bowl Challenge, a "Wesley Slam" if you will. Hokies all the way!!!!!!
Wesley, I am willing to raise the stakes if you're man enough. If Va. Tech wins tonight, I buy you a premium set of elixur guitar strings to be delivered by hand next time we meet in EL. If (When) Kansas wins tonight, you owe me the same. Are you in?
This will make the Bookie (Jeffrey) very happy to see the stakes getting raised. Let's make his day.
YES YES YES! THIS IS WHAT I'VE WAITED FOR..the stakes are raised, the risk is greater, the reward sweeter.........finally we have a lil more to the POT. A BOOKIE'S DREAM COME TRUE! MAKE IT HAPPEN...roll the DICE....play ROULETTE WES! Steve has summoned the gambling ghosts...WES are YOU MAN ENOUGH to ANSWER...
Meanwhile, does anyone want to get in on a SUB BET - Who will win tonight, Wes or Steve...2$ minimum.????
BTW...we'ew going to have to do some research to really see if ole Wesser won the NCAAs MArch Madness.??????//huh???? I'm not so sure aboput that one.
Sounds like this Wolverine fan is still backing in the gator once-in-a-lifetime WHERE-WAS-THIS-SPREAD OFFENSE-LLOYD CARR-DESTROYED-WHAT-COULD-HAVE-BEEN-SEASON victory the other day. Don't get too excited about that...Bobby Williams did the same thing to FLA in 2000.
it was the Capitol One bowl by the way....not too esteemed
here comes a MSU blast from 2 hours southwest of L-town
Jeff, your son's middle name is "Stephen" so watch what you say (just like you told the dirty telemarketer a few years back). Steve, Wes gets his guitar strings for free from church, so it's really a win-win for him. And I think I'm the one who should really be getting the props here--considering I'm the only one who doesn't watch sports, yet I'm in second place. You can sit here and trash talk all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that you're almost getting beat by a girl (wait, jeff, you ARE getting beat by a girl. my mistake).
I'M IN!! My contract is with Martin Guitar strings but I will break that and accept Steve's Elixirs. Steve my guitar plays best with light gauge, send them to 2225 Curdes Avenue. ZING
No your wrong....it's "S-T-E-V-E-N..." so don't act like you KNOW one thing about my kids...
ouch Sarah,
Sorry Steve, I'm sure you feel real good about the grassroots, sometimes not-so-many- resources and fund equity and FREE STUFF compared the what's happening at Wes' church. Sorry brother...I feel ya. You probably have to buy your strings....
For those questioning my REIGN (Jeff)...
Check the blog April 3, 2007.
Oh it is getting chippy, I'm going public!
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