Tuesday, May 19, 2009

levitical teachings

Hi y'all,

Hope you are enjoying this beautiful spring. As some of you might know, our family recently became members of University Reformed Church in East Lansing. We love it, mostly because of the diversity and as a community they desire to KNOW the word, act on it, and strive for holiness. It's the friendship AND the fear that Matt Redman sings about. One of the many elements of the church that we anticipate every Sunday morning is the incredible teaching. And the fact that every time the gospel message is preached and the center of the message.

These last few months, our pastor, Kevin, has been preaching through Leviticus. To say the least, I didn't expect what has become of it. We are in the middle of it, somewhere between rules for bodily fluids and unlawful sexual relations. Now, Kevin has been far from shy when it comes to taking the BIBLE LITERALLY and preaching with conviction and taking on the hard issues, and last week's sermon was primarily about holiness and sexuality with the bulk of it being homosexuality.

I won't say anymore. Just give it a listen if you have some time. It's just another NEW thing I learned that never has been discussed amongst the circles I have been involved in. I think you'll find it really worthwhile. Love to dialogue later with you too.



If this doesn't work, go to wwww.urc-msu.org and click on the latest sermon.


Jake said...

Congrats on your new membership! Leviticus is certainly quite an undertaking. Don't tell Kevin this, but that's how Rob Bell began Mars Hill with a year long series in Leviticus. Wanted to see who would stay.

I haven't had a chance to throw it on the i-Pod yet for a listen, but I will. I guess you could say that a time hasn't EMERGED as of yet, but I'll be sure to find a RELEVANT time in some POST-MODERN context to check it out soon! Much love to our reformed brethren. I've got nothing against TULIPs (see Calvin's 5 Points)

c-unitsdaddy said...

Yeah, Jake I had never heard about the TULIP until our membership class. I still tell the pastor that I'm Arminian for life. And it's my choice! ja ja...ok bad joke

I can't tell if you're just being playful with me or drinkin remformed HATER-ade. ??

Jake said...

When I taught at Sahag-Mesrob Aremenian Christian School a lot of people were surprised to hear that we built our school around a particular theology. Aremenia, the country I would say. Oh, you mean where Mother Teresa was from? No that would be Albania but that's okay. So I guess my theology at it's core is thoroughly Albanian. Nothing but love my friend!

steve lampi said...

Good message, I like the end the best where he talks about suffering with others, and not quick fixing people but giving them your time. We suck at that as a culture. We suck at that as "Christians". We act like we do really well, but do we really live like that. Too busy, i guess to actually live it out together. God, we need people to step up to challenge and lead others to living it, life thru and with Jesus. Sunday morning messages are great, but faith without deeds is useless. I love James, but even more so Jesus.

John 3:17
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

Armanian fo life!!!!! ha, ha!! I don't know, all I know is God loved me first.